The Jason Show
(10/25/2024): Interview on the popular morning show “The Jason Show”. We discuss my publishing journey, teaching, and my newly released book “Sticky Notes: Memorable Lessons from Ordinary Moments".”
The Balance Podcast
(10/22/2024): Interview with Dr. Caitlin Tucker on the importance of small moments in the class, and the journey of the books Matt Sprouts and Sticky Notes
Fox Morning News
(4/3/2024): A visit with local Fox 9 Minneapolis to recap the last year of my stories on Instagram and the release of my new book.
Writers with Wrinkles
(4/15/2024) We recap my long journey in publishing, and also share the realities of publishing a book today
That Nerd Thing Podcast
We cover everything from my first “nerd” collectable to how to start a new hobby. I also discuss how things from the 90’s influence my writing today.
Breaking the Blocks Podcast
(3/1/2024) We discuss a variety of topics, but we focus much of the conversation on the idea of persistence.
SLP Coffee Talk Podcast
(5/20/2024): In this podcast we cover a range of topics including how to motivate students, coming up with creative lessons, and a brief history of my first novel.
Notable Neighbor
(2/29/2024) My hometown did a feature story on my book and Instagram journey. It’s a great overview of how I got to where I am today.
Rise on Instagram
I started telling real life stories on instagram, and within just a few months became one of the most followed teachers on instagram.
Upworthy Article
Upworthy did not one, but two articles featuring videos from my stories on Instagram.
CBS News Feature
Interview with CBS: They cover both my rise on Instagram, my journey to being an author, and the process of how I tell stories.
First Viral Video
In June of 2022 a random viral video got the attention of local Fox9 Minneapolis, where they highlight the video and also my journey as an independent author.